Building Science Corporation

Location :

100 Pier 4 Tower

BSC Role:

100 Pier 4 Tower is a twenty-one-story high-rise tower of over 1 million square feet in the historic Boston Seaport. The glass and steel building offers 369 luxury apartments, a hotel, 10,000 square feet of retail space, 20,000 square feet for civic use as well as below-grade parking.

BSC worked with the design team through the Design Development and Contract Document stages to mitigate the risk of moisture related failures in the building enclosure and to meet the project’s energy goals. BSC performed detailed design reviews, assessing plans and details in terms of risk, durability, constructability, and energy performance. BSC identified specific problematic and complex details requiring further development and provided guidance in the form of both two- and three-dimensional details outlining our recommendations. The BSC team remained on board through construction to observe mock-ups of first installations and respond to field conditions and changes not anticipated during the design phase.

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